Don Leon (NPA #1372) of Donald Leon Search in Manalapan, NJ, USA, has made the firm’s first split placement with Laura LaBine (NPA #6017) of LaBine and Associates in San Mateo, CA, USA.

Laura placed Don’s candidate, a Full Stack Software Engineer in the Software Industry. 

Don explains how the deal came about: "I had been thinking of joining NPA and did so, believing I could find a recruiter who could execute searches in areas I don't have an expertise within. Once I joined, I was happily referred to Laura LaBine. She successfully completed the two searches and satisfied a client of mine who had specific needs."

Laura said: "Don shared this client with me as he had previously done some retained searches for them. I actually made two placements with this client, and am just about to fill out the second placement notification!"

Great work using the network for making placements outside your typical niche, Don!