Mark Ellis (NPA #1421) of Sea Change Talent, LLC in Charlton, MA, USA, has made the firm’s first NPA split placement with Kevin Suitor (NPA #7406) of Rostie & Associates in Toronto, ONT, Canada. Mark placed Kevin's candidate, an Enterprise Account Executive in the Software Industry in the US. This was also Kevin's first NPA split!
Kevin explains how the deal came about: "I was introduced to Mark via Jim Lyons (LHI Executive Search). Mark & I had a quick conversation to discuss his business model, and we agreed to work together on his account. It’s been an exciting partnership in that we now have about a dozen candidates in flight for seven different roles with two client companies. This business partnership seems to be clicking because Mark & I speak daily and have set up Microsoft Teams Chat and weekly scheduled touchpoints to ensure that we are fully aligned on our jointly working roles. Hopefully, we will close as a team an additional three to five NPA placements over the next two months."
Mark just joined in November, and has made some solid partnerships by offering exclusives and 60% of the fee to exporters he works with. Great work, Mark and Kevin!