Posted by Nicky P. Anderson on Oct 27, 2022

Dear Nicky,

I post a lot of jobs, but lately don’t seem to be getting enough help. What am I doing wrong?

No Traction in Trowbridge

Dear Traction,

You're not alone! Right now, candidate recruiters are in hot demand. So to get their attention, make sure your job post is short and to the point – no one reads paragraphs, so bullets will get faster attention. Here are some other tips.

  • Private Notes To Members is important to fill in and where you can add some sizzle. This is where to sell the client—candidate recruiters have a lot of choices of jobs to work on, so tell me what is good about your client (i.e. have made placements here, fast feedback, etc.)
  • Create a list of members that work this space and send the job to them – sending it direct can often get more attention. To learn more about creating lists, refer to the NPAmarketplace Knowledgebase document
  • Get on calls and make sure folks in your practice group know about your jobs. They are all posted to the calendar

If you’re still not receiving help, call some of your partners and ask if they can help, and reach out to the Engagement Team for help.


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