Members who post candidates on Marketplace are required to provide a "percentage of client fee" for the successful placement of that candidate. This refers to the fee percentage the CLIENT pays. Job recruiters are OBLIGATED to accept their partner's stated minimum fee.

Here are some examples:

  • If the field says "ANY," this means that your partner will accept 47.5% of ANY fee that you receive from your client (in other words, there is no minimum)
  • If the field says 20%, this means that your partner does NOT want to participate in a split placement UNLESS the client is paying a fee of AT LEAST 20%.

Job recruiters may NOT submit a partner's candidate to a client that is paying LESS than the minimum fee stated on the candidate record, unless you obtain specific, written, ADVANCE permission from your trading partner.

In the absence of a written understanding between the members making a split placement, the importer is required to pay the exporter 47.5% of the stated minimum fee.

The fee should ALWAYS be confirmed prior to submitting candidates to a client.