Posted by Veronica Blatt on May 02, 2022

To address the inconsistency and possible inaccuracy in how members are populating the Money Back Guarantee field in NPAmarketplace (Add A Job page), we have introduced new logic to that field.

The field no longer has a default value selected. Members MUST choose Yes or No. This field and the Guarantee Terms field are both required. It is critical that members complete these fields accurately.

Please understand this VERY clearly: your trading partners look at this and you are expected to honor what you have promoted to the members of the network.  If it says 60 days NO money back, at 60 days your partner has no role to play in a refund if you choose to make one.

All members are strongly encouraged to immediately review your jobs and ensure these fields are correct, and that your partners are aware of your actual terms. If your policy is for replacement or credit only, you may want to consider adding that to the Guarantee Terms field for additional clarity. For example, instead of 30, write 30 days replacement.