Dear Nicky,

I recently added a couple of recruiters to my firm. Do I need to add them to the NPA database, or can we share a single login?

Hiring in Hillsdale

Dear Hillsdale,

We do not recommend sharing user names and passwords, ever. For starters, every person with access to our systems is required to accept the terms and conditions for using our sites and pass an ethics quiz demonstrating basic knowledge of NPAworldwide rules and policies. Sharing a single login subverts that requirement.

Additionally, owners of NPAworldwide are accountable to each other and responsible for safeguarding each others' proprietary resources. In a shared-password environment, it is time-consuming to determine the source of improper access. When a recruiter leaves your firm, they can still access our databases unless you have a foolproof system to ensure that passwords are immediately changed. You are exposing yourself and your business to unnecessary risk by sharing user names and passwords.

From a practicality standpoint, if a member is working with "John Doe" in your firm and is unable to locate John in a database search, you're adding a layer of inefficiency to the split placement process. If John attended one of our meetings and other members can't find, connect, or communicate with John afterwards, then he is not really set up for network success.

By the way, there is no fee for additional user names and passwords, so there is no compelling reason for sharing.
