Members use a variety of tools, products and services to help save time and money .... and we'd love for you to share those details with us! Much like word-of-mouth referrals are the best source of new members, your referrals are also a great source for new sponsors. Who are you working with that would be a great sponsor or partner for NPAworldwide? Some of our current sponsors and partners are:
  • PCRecruiter
  • People 2.0
  • Hiretual
  • TopFunnel
  • TEAM
  • HUB International
  • Adams, Evens, & Ross

If you provide a qualified referral that becomes a first-time paid sponsor of NPAworldwide, we'll send you a US $25 gift card. If they opt into an elite category of sponsorship like an Alliance Partnership or Endorsed Program, that gift card becomes US$100. To qualify for the referral reward, do this:

  1. Send an email to Dave Nerz "Sponsor Referral" in the SUBJECT LINE
  2. In the body of the email list the
  • Potential sponsor name
  • Location/email/phone
  • Person to contact
  • Your experience with this potential sponsor and why they would be a great sponsor.

If the referred prospect decides to sponsor and makes payment to NPAworldwide, we will send your Sponsor Referral Reward.