Posted by Marcus Ronaldi on Apr 17, 2023

As members of NPAworldwide, we share a common goal: to connect with fellow recruiting firms and foster mutually beneficial partnerships. While video meetings have become increasingly popular, there's no substitute for meeting face-to-face. In-person meetings (IPMs) like the annual NPAworldwide events held in the United States and around the world offer numerous benefits that can propel your firm to new heights. In this article, we'll explore the value of attending these events and the impact they can have on your long-lasting professional relationships.


The Importance of Attending Annual NPAworldwide Meetings

Building Strong Relationships

In today's fast-paced world, IPMs, also known as real-life meetings (RLMs) or face-to-face (FTF) meetings, remain crucial for forging strong and lasting connections. Meeting in person allows us to read body language, interpret tone, and engage in more meaningful conversations. By attending annual NPAworldwide meetings, you can foster stronger relationships with fellow members and better understand their unique expertise and strengths.

Expanding Your Network

Networking is at the core of NPAworldwide’s mission. Attending annual meetings provides you with the opportunity to meet new members, learn from their experiences, and potentially collaborate on future projects. The more members you connect with, the more opportunities you'll have to expand your firm's reach, share knowledge, and access resources to enhance your services.

Staying Top-of-Mind

By actively participating in annual meetings, you can ensure that your firm stays top-of-mind among other NPAworldwide partners. Regular interaction with fellow members reinforces your commitment to the partnership and keeps you abreast of industry trends and best practices. As a result, you'll be better positioned to contribute to the network and receive referrals from other partners.

Professional Development

Annual NPAworldwide meetings offer a wealth of information and resources that can help your firm grow and succeed. From workshops and panel discussions to keynote speeches by industry leaders, these events provide valuable insights into the recruiting landscape. By attending, you'll acquire new skills and knowledge that can enhance your firm's capabilities and set you apart from competitors.

Strengthening the NPAworldwide Community

Finally, attending annual meetings contributes to the overall strength and cohesion of the NPAworldwide community. As we share ideas, experiences, and best practices, we create a thriving ecosystem that benefits all members. Collaborative problem-solving and open communication foster an environment in which we can collectively overcome challenges and drive the success of our firms.


Attending annual NPAworldwide meetings is an investment in your firm's future. These events not only help you build long-lasting relationships, expand your network, and stay top-of-mind, but they also foster professional development and contribute to the strength of the NPAworldwide community. So mark your calendar and make it a priority to attend these invaluable IPMs, RLMs, or FTF meetings – your firm and your partnerships will undoubtedly reap the rewards.