Dear Nicky,

I made a placement with a member and the terms were 30 days. About 25 days in, they told me it would be 60 days. I am feeling a bit taken aback. This is my first deal in NPAworldwide. Is this the norm?

Payable in Pipestone

Dear Payable,

While every member (and their split partners, by extension) has an expectation of timely payment with their client, not all clients are meeting that expectation. It is reasonable for trading partners to expect communication as client payment terms change or deadlines are missed. It is reasonable to ask for proof of invoice and maybe even request a joint phone conference with the client’s accounts payable team when necessary.

No one does recruitment just for the fun of it, payment is an important part of the outcome desired. I can guarantee your partner is just as interested in receiving payment as you are.


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